Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Guitar Hero
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Remote Controller
This is why we didn't have cable for 3 days and had to have the Comcast guy come to our house to fix the tv. Somehow, "someone" reprogramed the cable settings. But notice how he holds the remote, with one hand while pushing the buttons with one finger, and pointing it at the tv, just like we do. And when the channel doesn't change, he moves the remote around, above his head and all, trying to get the right aim. No one taught him this, it just shows you how he pays attention to EVERYTHING and picks it up fast. He's a smarty!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Evan's cousin Frankie taught Evan how to climb. Evan quickly figured out how to use this new ability to his advantage. The only reason he didn't go all the way over is because he knew I was watching him, which explains the frustrated cry at the end. Also, notice the hand in his mouth trying to push those teeth through!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What happens when Nana and PopPop watch the baby (posted by Mommy)
(please see the post below)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sore baby

I think all of the walking and FALLING has really caught up to poor little Evan today. My dad said it best, it's got to be like learning how to ski, you have to learn how to balance and move at the same time all the while you're just falling so hard over and over again. I went skiing (is it two i's?) once, for a few hours, I was hurting for the next week or so, I hated it. I'm sure Evan is feeling sore from all of the falling, he's been landing pretty hard on the floor. After falling, instead of getting up, he now lays on the floor on his belly with his head to the side with his arms and legs stretched out. And we say "nite-nite baby!" and he smiles then gets back up only to fall down again. I figured, today, we'll take a break from walking and go for a different kind of walk where I walk and he rides in the stroller relaxing and enjoying some fresh air. It started off ok, but ended up being a bad idea. Every tiny bump we hit on the stroller (like the cracks in the sidewalk) Evan gave a little whimper, which turned into louder complaints. By the time we got home Evan was holding his head and trying to get out of the stroller. But when we got back he was happy to see his Pop-Pop and the fish and the cat, I showed him how to take pictures, he enjoyed trying to push all the buttons. We took pictures of Lucy and the cat, Lance, who Evan likes to call "OUT"! I guess we should talk to the cat nicer.
(posted by mommy)

I like to call this photo "cheeks & eyelashes"

-photo by Evan & Mommy

-photo by Evan & Mommy

I zoomed in and brightened this photo just to show you his TEETH!
All five of them! Check out that fang!
The other "fang" is working it's way out now, but you can't really see it in this picture.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Evan Takes His First Steps!

AMAZING!!! Evan took his first steps tonight! It was a very exciting moment. He didn't want to go to bed tonight for some reason, so we let him play in the living room for a bit. He's been picking himself up on furniture lately, and sort of transfering him self from ottoman, to couch, to chair while still holding on. But tonight, he let go and took a few wobbly steps, then plopped down on his butt. He kept doing this for a good hour or so. A few times, he made it 6 or 7 steps before falling. So I imagine it won't be long before he's up and running! A very proud moment for mommy and daddy...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
First Trip to the Park
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Empire Today Commercial
Monday, March 16, 2009
Evan standing on his own!
Evan has been getting very brave the last few days! He's been letting go and standing on his own for a minute here and there, maybe to clap, maybe to look at a toy, it seems as though he forgets that he wanted to hang on to the table. As soon as he realizes he's standing on his own he always falls down. So we know he can do it, he just doesn't trust it yet. The same with his walking, he's been walking faster and faster, and barely holding on to your hands, he'll even walk by just barely holding onto one hand. Maybe by his 10 month birthday he'll be running around the house?