My family was throwing a surprise birthday party for my Mom, in Naples, FL. Which is the main reason we drove down. We left Disney World early in the morning and had more than a 3 hour drive ahead of us to get to Naples before noon so that we could be there to surprise my Mom, who had no idea we were coming. To complicate things further, I didn't know I had to wear formal clothes, since the party was at a country club. When we got into the Naples area, I had to stop at the stores to quickly try on and buy an outfit, wear it out of the store, and race down to the country club where the party was being held. Meanwhile, Genevieve was trying to get the kids, and herself dressed. No small task.

With only minutes to spare, we got there right before my parents, and had to hide out on the side of the building so they wouldn't see us. We decided it would be better to wait for the initial surprise, and then we could come in afterwards. It worked great. My Mom sure was surprised to see us all the way from Pennsylvania! (These were the photos Mommy took while we waited for Nan to go inside.)
Eliana was still feeling a bit shy in the first few minutes of the party. But she soon warmed up and had fun running around with her cousins.
Evan and Eliana surprised Nan with nice big pink flowers!
Here's the whole gang, Eliana can be seen streaking by on the left, Evan didn't want to be in the picture.
Evan and Eliana have SO much fun hanging around with their cousin Chandler.