Friday, May 16, 2008

9 Days to Go

So, from what I understand, only about 5% of women deliver on their due date. With this being our first, there's a good chance he'll be born after the due date. We're going to the doctor today to find out how close we are to having this baby. I plan on being there in the delivery room. I wasn't sure about this initially, because I didn't know if I would just be in the way, or what. Plus I have a history of fainting in hospital situations, so I was a little concerned about that. The last thing you want to have to worry about is your husband passed out on the floor while your about to deliver a baby. So I took some birthing classes with Genevieve, and I feel better about the whole thing now.

I can't believe we're down to single digit days, but October, when we found out about the baby, seems so long ago. So much has happened since then. Packing up our apartment in Austin, having all of our stuff sent back and put it in storage. Going back to work on commercials in New York and working as many days as I physically could. There were quite a few days when I was working so many hours that I just slept in the car and then went right back to work. There was one stretch where I worked 51 hours straight without sleep. It's amazing how this baby motivated me. Things have settled down now, and I'm not having to work such ridiculous hours.

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