For the first time in his entire 2 months of his life, Evan finally notices TV! And how could he miss it, his Uncle Ted's TV is the size of a football field and it even has surround sound! So to Evan it was probably like watching an Imax movie. It was so funny to see his reaction to the TV, especially when the surround sound came on! His little eyes grew so huge like gigantic saucers, trying to take it all in, you can see it in the picture that Frankie took of him. It was too funny. Normally I wouldn't want Evan to watch the TV but it was the opening ceremony to the Olympics, and it definitely was not to be missed, no matter how young you are. It was an incredible show and I'm glad that Evan experienced it, even if he doesn't remember it when he gets older. I just hope that when he is old enough to watch TV that he's not too disappointed in our "teeny tiny" TV compared to Uncle Ted's Imax TV with surround sound! (E-mail to Daddy from Mommy.)

Evan,what BIG EYES!! you've got..all the better to see all those people on 'telly' at once,(no,they're not your relatives from England,although they do look happy to see you....GREAT PICTURE!!
Evan's just taking notes. All for the day when he's at the Olympics winning gold!
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