Wow, how time flies. Summer is quickly disappearing, even though it's just now beginning to get hot up in the Northeast, the signs of fall and back to school are everywhere. I even saw a store full of Halloween decorations yesterday. I can't even wrap my mind around the end of October yet, I'm still enjoying summer! My cousins from England are in town for a few weeks, so we all got together yesterday in my old hometown, Milltown, NJ, for a little get together. Evan met his 3 year old cousin Alfie for the first time, and they got along great. Evan got a huge balloon from the movie "Cars" which he has been playing with all day. I'll be posting all the photos from their visit in a few days.
I haven't even had time to post photos yet from our trip to Avalon at the Jersey Shore from July. You can see them HERE on my Avalon 2009 photo gallery. Evan loves the beach. I mean, LOVES IT. He had no fear of the water, okay, maybe a little, but he was very brave going into the ocean while holding daddy's hand. We spent a week down there, and I think he loved every minute of it.
As you know, we announced that we're having another baby. Genevieve is doing great and beginning to show more noticeably now. Our first doctor's appointment will probably be in a few weeks, and we are very much looking forward to the day (probably in September,) when we can find out whether we're having a girl or boy. Rest assured, as long as the baby is happy and healthy, we'll be happy either way...
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