Genevieve had her second ultrasound today, and Evan came along to see his new baby....SISTER! Yes, we told everyone several weeks ago that we are having a girl. But we were told by the Ultrasound Tech that she couldn't guarantee anything because it was too early on in the pregnancy, but from what she could tell, it was a girl. So we were a bit nervous today if the first Ultrasound turned out to be wrong and we had to come back and tell everyone that we were having a boy. So when the Ultrasound Tech today, couldn't tell, I was freaking out a little. I didn't want to leave there until we knew for sure. Our last chance was the Doctor. He came in and was able to tell rather easily. He then typed those words on the screen, "I'M A GIRL!!" We were very excited. Evan was sort of distracted and more interested in his toys, but we were glad he was there. Now we can start getting things together for the new baby girl...

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