Evan is becoming a big boy right before our eyes. When I pick him up now, he's noticeably heavier. He also just seems taller, bigger, more mature. He's starting to put more and more words together. He's getting really adept at figuring things out on his own. He understands almost everything you say to him, so I know all of those words are rattling around in his head, just waiting to come out. Most recently, you ask him a question, say, "Evan, you want some apple juice?" and while he's thinking about he goes, "ummmmm" and then gives you his answer.
We haven't been outside as much because the weather's been pretty cold. So most days, he winds up watching a little more TV than we'd like. It's not like we just prop him up in front of the TV and leave the room. I mean, we're constantly interacting with him, it just stinks that he's stuck inside most days since it's so cold out. There's no doubt what is favorite show is, "Yo Gabba Gabba." The second DJ Lance Rock enters the right side of the TV screen, Evan lights up with joy! Actually, I think Mommy and Daddy enjoy the show too, but, we're really looking forward to warmer weather so we can go outside and play!
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