Well in just a few days we'll be holding our little girl in our arms and we just can't wait. Evan has been very sweet to his little sister so far and I hope he continues on being sweet. Today was Valentine's Day and he got a bunch of balloons from Nana and PopPop. I was sitting on the floor and Evan brought a balloon over to me, lifted up my shirt and pushed the balloon string onto my belly and said "baby". And I asked him is that balloon for your baby sister? And he nodded and said "baby" again pushing the balloon against my belly. He occasionally will come over and give my belly a hug and kiss or pat it very gently. He is such a sweet boy.
He has gotten so big so fast already and still continues to amaze me everyday. Tonight I was standing in the mirror checking out how big my belly was and noticed Evan behind me copying every move I made. He's been also copying some of the moves he's seen on tv, like doing a split, break dancing, and thanks to Daddy trying to do a handstand. He will also start yelling "phone!" when the phone starts ringing and in the morning when my Aunt Dorothy calls for my Mom (every morning at 9am) Evan will yell "Nana! Phone! Dortee!" So the other day Pete was calling and I started yelling to Evan- "Evan! Phone! Daddy!" and then the phone stopped ringing. It stopped ringing because Evan ran to the phone and answered it! Pete was quite surprised to hear his little boy on the other end of the phone saying hello. And while I picked up the other phone to talk to Pete, Evan stayed on and joined in the conversation. Which was, Pete asking "Should I pick up newborn diapers" and Evan answering "yeah!" and then Pete asking "What else should I get" and Evan answering "books!" and of course the answer to the question "What should we have for lunch" is always "WAWA!"
He has so many words now, everyday he comes out with some new ones. It's been great because now we understand what he's trying to say. He tells us when he needs "juice" and especially likes "apple juice". He also asks for his "bintees" (binkies). He came right up to his daddy's face the other night and demanded "bath" he also told Nana to "vacuum", he likes things to be kept clean. He has been a big help around the house. One of his jobs is to empty the silverware from the dishwasher into the drawer and you can always tell when he was the one that emptied the silverware by looking at the drawer. He likes to help wash the dishes (play in the sink), bake with Nana (mix, mix, mix), vacuum (he pushes the on button then runs around the house like crazy while you vacuum and thinks it's really funny when you pretend you are going to vacuum him up and he runs away screaming), showing PopPop dirty spots on the carpet, and helping with the laundry. Helping with the laundry meaning you fold everything and then he walks over to the basket and throws everything up into the air and all over the living room.
But back to his words. He came home from the doctors last week telling Nana and PopPop all about the "doctor" and pointed to everything that the doctor checked like his "ear", "nose", "mouth" and "head" and then "ooowww!" and points to his leg where he got his shot. We were thinking of teaching him sign language but we never had to as he has made up his own signs that has worked out quite well! He started pointing long long ago and has used that as his main sign. The very first thing he pointed to was his PopPop outside on the ladder, Evan saw him from his chair at the table through the window. He points at everything and when you don't understand or see what he is pointing to he starts shaking his hand like an Italian man. He can be quite dramatic, especially when talking to his PopPop because he knows PopPop will give in. "oh! PaPa!" he'll say and throw his hands up in the air then cover his eyes and exhale and put his head down, it's quite dramatic. He also points to my belly and says "baby". He'll also inform us of any "poop" on the floor from the dogs, and anounces it was "Elvi".
He's been doing pretty good with names, like Vava (Ava), Fraycie (Frankie), Elvi (Elvis), Lucy, all the Yo Gabba Gabba charactersas well as the Mickey Mouse gang. He likes to point to photos of his friend CJ and say CJ and his cousin Emily in Florida and says Emmy. We're still working on Chandler and Taylor, hopefully he'll know how to say their names by the time we visit again. He has also just recently started to let us know when something scares him, he'll say "MAMA!" and grab onto his chest and make his scared face. He also has to say "yeah" a million times before doing something he thinks is great. Like if he were about to jump of the step, he'll say "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" that is if he isn't counting instead which goes like this- "three, two, three!" and then jump. So we know that if we hear "yeah" or "three!" we need to be alert because Evan's about to do something which always has the potential of him getting hurt. He has been amazing me with his counting to nine. I don't think he can wait for ten, he likes to go on nine. We were watching Yo Gabba Gabba and they had a little segment where they counted to ten and Evan said all of the numbers before they did! Well, except for seven, he has a hard time with that one and sometimes he'll say 8 is O. But to be fair 8 is just two os ontop of eachother. Letters are also becoming easier for him, which you've seen in his bathtime video.
But back to his signs, if he is looking for something he will put his hands up in the air as if to ask "Where is it?" and tilt his head to the side with a concerned look on his face. He also has a new magic trick! He can make his hands disapear!! He will come up to you with his hands tucked into his sleeve and ask you where his hands are in his own little way, waits for you to ask him "Evan! Where are your hands??" and then tada! out pops his hands and he thinks this is hilarious. He is so proud of himself. And we couldn't be more proud of him.
Evan's favorite things...
dancing, chocolate, balloons, pizza, Yo Gabba Gabba, baths, bubbles, Elvis, chasing Lucy around the house, flashlights, hiding under pillows, Pop-Pop, M&Ms, sliding down the Slide, popcorn (yep, he's a Burke alright), lollypops, apples, tiny frozen blueberries, microphones and anything that can potentially be a microphone, looking at pictures and watching videos on the computer, singing Happy Birthday (or as he sings "Happy to You!") and blowing out candles, the cardboard tubes from wrapping paper (makes a great sound when he sings into them and also loves terrorizing Lucy with them), WaWa, playing ball, wearing hats especially Daddy's hats, laughing and running as fast as he can through racks of clothes at the stores, oh and I can't forget playing the drums, and guitar, singing, and the applause afterwards of course!
Evan's not so favorite things...
the swings, not being aloud up or down the steps whenever he wants, when you don't take him down to the basement when you go down, brushing his teeth, getting undressed, getting dressed, putting on his shoes, taking his shoes off, having his diaper changed, the doctor, getting shots, when the carpet has a wrinkle in it (it must be flat on the ground at all times), when Elvis eats his snacks ("ELVI! NOOOO! BA-DOG!"), not getting his way and being told no.
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