Today was my birthday. It was a great birthday. One of my favorites even though it was dark, cold and rainy. Very unusual weather for May 18th I have to say. But it didn't matter how dark it was outside because all of the candles on my cake and love in the living room lightened up the whole house. It was bright, warm, and sunny in our home.
My day started off with two boxes of Dunkin Donuts! Pete brought me a box and a few minutes later my parents came in with a box of donuts!! Score!! I guess it's pretty clear that I love Dunkin Donuts. And so does Evan. Can you guess what kind of donut is my favorite?
Evan is Mr. Birthday. His cousin Ava used to be the same way, so I guess it runs in the family. She still can't resist sticking her finger in a birthday cake. Luckily for Evan he was born into a family that will re-light the birthday candles over and over again till they are melted all the way down to the icing of the cake. It started way back when, Mom would always proclaim after the birthday person would blow out the candles "I missed the photo! Do it again!" and we would until she got the photo she wanted, sometimes we wouldn't even relight the candles we would just pretend to blow them out so that she would get a good photo. I do the same thing. It drives everyone crazy but it's fun. And now we have Evan. And now we must light the candles over and over again and sing at least a dozen times just so he can blow them out again and again. Tonight even after the candles were taken out and the cake was cut and everyone settled into the family room, Evan climbed back onto the dining room chair, squished all of the candles back into the cake and politely pleaded for one more time. And we did, Evan, Daddy, Eliana and I, till we drove Daddy crazy.
Last night while putting Evan to sleep he jumped up and started to tell me all about my birthday present. He was so super excited about it, he told me about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and described everything he saw in the store, he went on and on. He was so excited about it that he couldn't wait to give me my present and he wanted to go downstairs that instant and give it to me. Pete said that he let him pick out my present all by himself and the first thing he picked out was a princess dress. But Pete didn't think it would fit-ha! He picked out a present all by himself from him and he also picked out a present from Baby Sister. I loved them both. They were perfect. He was so proud to give them to me.
Yes, it was a good birthday.
And I can't forget, my most favorite birthday present ever, my angel princess Eliana.
She was just what I wished for.
**Ben just reminded me that we also share a birthday with Reggie Jackson and Tina Fey. Thanks Ben!!
***After Ben's reminder I looked up May 18 1975 and found that I celebrate the same exact birthday as Jack Johnson
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