My favorite thing there was the huge light bright wall. I wish we had one at home.
Evan also enjoyed the light bright wall, but he had the most fun in the sports room.
Eliana enjoyed Baby William most of all...
I don't know what makes me laugh more, Eliana pulling poor William's ear, the expression on poor Williams face, or my Mom's expression!! HAHA!!
She could not keep her hands off of him!
Later on, after dinner, we headed over to Rose Tree Park for their free concert event (which I think they have almost every single night of the week). Eliana had fun rolling on the blanket and pulling at grass while watching Evan run run running all over the place. The kids there were friendly too, not like some of the kids we encountered at the museum. I don't know what it is about Evan that attracts these kinds of kids. He was playing so nicely by himself in the plumbing area (Uncle Bill would have been so proud) when this kid just starts grabbing pipes right out of Evan's hands. Of course there was no parent in sight, so I went and hung out with Evan to protect him and to get his pipes back. Later on while Evan was playing at the fruit stand the same kid walloped Evan on the shoulder with a plastic eggplant for no reason. I said out loud "There is no hitting!" but his Mom didn't even notice she was too busy chatting away with her friend totally oblivious to anything her kid was doing. Then not only five minutes later when Evan was walking to the next exhibit the same kid runs up and punches Evan in the chest! This time his Mom noiticed and says "Did he just punch that kid?" I felt like saying "yeah, dummy, you're kid's been beating up my kid all day!" But I just wanted to get him away from that evil kid. So I spent the rest our time there avoiding that kid. Evan was having so much fun though that it didn't seem to bother him too much. It was such a beautiful night out too. And we weren't even bothered by mosquitoes. Evan's poor little leggies are covered in mosquito bites.
Look how happy my baby is...

Look how much Evan loves his baby sister...
And a few more seconds after that...(that's Evan trying to give Eliana a hug and kiss) Time to go home!!
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