I'm scouting for a television commercial and have been on the road for the last few days with another scout. We arrived in Fayetteville, WV today to scout the New River Gorge Bridge, a popular tourist attraction, and favorite spot of base jumpers and bungee jumpers alike. Bridge jumping is only permitted one day a year, "Bridge Day," when the entire bridge is shut down to traffic and thousands of people gather to watch people take the plunge into the gorge below.
The New River Gorge Bridge soars 862 feet above the New River below. One day a year, the National
Park Service allows base jumping and bungee jumping from the bridge on "Bridge Day," this year, October 16th.
New River Gorge. New River is actually the oldest river in the United States.
The bridge span is 3,030 feet across.

Days 1 and 2; PA, MD, VA, WV, and OH. We covered 625 miles though some beautiful Appalacian Mountain Country in Virginia and West Virginia. Tomorrow we head to Columbus, OH to check out some Rowing.
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