Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Like Spaghetti & Meatballs

Today was a fun day at the Lambert's house as you can see. I made some fried spaghetti for the kids for dinner, and earlier in the day Evan and I baked some Snickerdoodles and Ginger Bread Cookies. I haven't baked anything in at least 15 years, so it was a lot of fun. We woke up to more light snow this morning, and wound up getting another 2 inches, but Evan wasn't interested in going outside though, he just wanted to hang out with daddy inside today. Mommy took these great pictures of Eliana at dinner time tonight. Afterwards, we all piled in the car and did a little shopping. Mommy and I are starting to get ready for Eliana's First Birthday Party! Which is only a little over a month away. 

Eliana is healing up pretty well from her fall the other day, although we noticed tonight that one of her teeth that was coming in on the top may have been misaligned. (I can't believe I spelled that correctly.) Anyway, I'm pretty sure a dentist is going to have to take a look at it pretty soon. She doesn't seem to be in any pain though. 

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