There is this tree we call Treeman that lives a block away from us. The kids love him and we always stop to see him on our walks. Well, as you can see by the construction in the photo, Treeman's family recently tore down their house and are building a new one. To make sure Treeman didn't get hurt during the process, they sent him on vacation. The kids were really heartbroken when they found out he was gone. But thrilled when they found him back in his home again! As soon as they saw him they ran up to him and hugged him telling him how much they missed him. It was very very sweet. (My kids are true tree huggers!) Then they immediately wanted to go home and make him a welcome home card and bring it to him with balloons to celebrate his home coming. So that's what we did. While we were there visiting Treeman the owners happened to be leaving their house at the same time so they saw us in the middle of our little celebration. I was hoping they didn't think I was too crazy tying balloons to their front yard but they were very nice about it. They even asked Evan what he thought Treeman should be for Halloween this year, he thought Treeman should dress up as a pirate. They told him that he will have to wait and see but if Treeman dresses up as a pirate Evan should know that it was done specially for him. Here is a photo from today. If you look above Eliana's head you can see Treeman's two little friends in the background behind the fence. Two other trees like Treeman but smaller.
Here is the card the kids made. "Melcome Home Treeman" You can see Evan drew a blue eyed Treeman in the middle that Eliana colored in and Treeman's two friends looking quite smug in the top corner. Maybe they are just jealous that Treeman get's all the attention. Evan also for some reason for the first time ever wrote his entire name completely backwards. And when he wrote out Eliana's name gave her an upside down A. But he's doing great with his writing. He asks how to spell things all the time now so he can write it out on his pictures. Eliana did the drawings on the lefthand side and Evan did the drawings on the righthand side.
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