Saturday, May 31, 2014


I haven't written or posted very much this year with everything that's been going on in my personal life.  I wanted to share a few of the everyday things that the kids and I do when they are over. I love having them here, and I've had them most weekends since March. The winter was difficult and brutal. My car's engine died and I was left without transportation during the worst months of the winter. I'd really like to forget the first few months of this year to be honest. Like forget them completely. Well, maybe not everything. Like I said, the kids and I have a lot of fun when they're at Daddy's.

Back in March Evan and I built his Lego Alien Spaceship. He hardly needs my help anymore and as he will tell you; "only when I get stuck." He is excellent at following the directions page by page and very proud of his creations.

Evan helping me make Blueberry Jello. March 23rd.

Eliana and I playing "school" in our "classroom" playroom. This was her writing my name for the first time.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Soon to be a Kindergarten Graduate.

Hard to believe, but this little man is about to graduate Kindergarten! Evan's last day of school is coming up and he will be graduating on June 6th. Can't wait!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Teacher's Pet

Love this picture of Eliana in their 'classroom.' I have about 2 1/2 hours usually between picking up Evan from school and picking up Eliana. Sometimes me and Eliana grab lunch or sometimes we just go back to my place and spend some quality time just me and her. There's also some video from this day where Eliana is pretending to be the teacher that I'll post another time.

Friday, May 9, 2014

New Tattoo

Hey not bad for 50 cents huh? I bet he was the coolest kid in his Kindergarten class the next day!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Evan's Class Trip to Longwood Gardens

 I joined Evan and his classmates on his trip to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA.

The kids learned all about the life cycle of plants and trees, including this tree, who's leaves are red in the spring and green in the fall.

 All the kids wrapped up a Lima Bean, wrapped it in cotton, had it sprayed with water and put in a little ziploc bag as a souvenir. In a few days the bean should sprout and Evan and I will plant it in the yard.

 L-R Evan, Jackson, Liam, and Connor. They ran around like maniacs in the Topiary Garden.

 Their Kindergarten teacher Miss Windle gets them to stand still for a second to snap a photo.

Me and Connor's dad were in charge of this group. They stop to pose for a cool photo.

This one was all Jackson's idea.

One of the awesome treehouses at Longwood.

Up in the treehouse.

No rabbit ears guys! They can't help themselves.

Now it's time for a bumpy bus ride back to school! What a great day they had. Evan said he wants to go back again with all his school friends.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Baseball Season

Evan got his first ever hit from a moving pitch in a game today. Daddy was very proud.
The kids started off hitting from the tee again this year but we recently started introducing coach
pitching, and later in the month, we'll be using the pitching machine. Evan did a great job hitting the ball and getting to first base. Coaching is fun, but I really just enjoy watching him play. Sometimes I forget I'm watching a 5 year old. He'll be playing defense in the infield with his hands on his knees in the ready position with his eyes on the batter and it looks like he's been playing for years! Way to go Evan!