Jeez. I haven't written in a really long time. But here I am. Still alive in 2025! Kids are doing great. Evan and Eliana are both in High School. But my, how the world has changed. I really value every moment I have with the kids. Whether it's just driving Evan to and from th gym, or getting Applebee's with Eliana, and driving around and listening to her favorite songs, I really appreciate my time with them and my growing relationship with them. They are both becoming young adults and I could not be more proud.
I'd like to continue this blog. I want to write new posts as well as fill in the blanks of the past.
Eliana's 8th grade Graduation in June 2024.
My plan for 2025 is to look less bloated and unhealthy. Jesus, I look like I just won the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. What the hell happened to me?
Eliana is doing great, has great friends, and is enjoying High School.
Evan pretending to work.
Evan will probably get a "cease and desist" order against me and force me to remove this photo. (Taken by Glenn, Evan's girlfriend Lily's dad.) BTW Evan's girlfriend Lily is awesome and he had better be on his best behavior because she is a KEEPER.
What a couple of years it has been. You never know what life is going to throw in your direction. For me, 2024 started out great, but then did not finish as planned. I spent the whole summer scouting for a movie that even as of today, still may or may not happen. I did not get hired on Season 2 of the show I was expecting to work on, and that felt like a huge gut punch. That being said, between the two strikes (actors and writer's strike,) productions moving everything overseas to not have to pay crews their fair share, and the terrible fires in LA, film production has really take a hit. Worse than post 9/11. In fact I'm pretty sure film production as it was will not ever recover in the US.
So at almost 52, I have to diversify and change all of my plans. My 28 year resume in the film business is essentially worthless. Having to start from scratch at this is age is equally humbling and terrifying. We can get into all of the "shoulda coulda woulda" of what I should have done. (Strange how that seems to apply to no no one else but me,) but I have to keep things in perspective.
I'm (somewhat) healthy. (Relatively) in shape. Sort of. I do have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothing, a car, and some really good close friends. So there's a lot of blessings to count. I have been working for a tree company as a groundsman and it is not for the faint of heart. It is really difficult, hard physical labor. My co worker is literally half my age. Yet I keep pace and get the job done efficiently for someone my age. If you saw the shit that I did on the job, you would be pretty impressed. I know my dad would be proud. (At left I think he would.)
I am single and NOT looking. Right now I just want to concentrate on work, my kids, and my health. It would be nice to have someone to come home to but it's not a priority right now, let's not even get into what it's like trying to date in your early 50s. No thanks. I'm good. It feels kind of freeing in a way. I can just focus on what's in front of me.
Anyway, just wanted to write something because it's been way too long.
Eliana will be 15 soon.
Evan will be driving.
I need to get my head on straight and prepare for the days ahead and be the best possible Dad that I can be for my kids. That's all I care about these days.
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