5PM ***UPDATE - Things have slowed down a bit, doctor's coming in again in a few minutes to determine whether or not it's time to get this baby out! 9 cm, should be soon.
2:45PM ***UPDATE - Doctor is coming in and we're going to get started.
2PM ***UPDATE - Genevieve is going to start pushing at 3PM***
She's stabilized, 8cm at last check and ready to have this baby already!

Satellite trucks assembled in the hospital parking lot await the news...

Well, Genevieve fought the good fight. After a grueling 36 hours of prodromal labor, she finally agreed to get an epidural at 8AM, so our baby will be born sometime today. Last night was terrible, her contractions were unbearable from 3AM on and nothing was happening. Neither of us got any sleep at all. Sleep was more akin to torture, because just when we'd start to doze off, a contraction would hit and we'd both wake up. I tried really hard to help her through the contractions, but nothing seemed to help. We were both at the point of exhaustion when the doctor came to see us this morning. That's when we decided to induce labor. Genevieve is resting a lot more comfortably now, and I may take a nap for myself. So stand by, the birth announcement should occur sometime today!
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