Evan and Daddy, Sunday morning.

Burp Time

This week has been amazing. Everything I could have hoped for. Evan is doing great, and settling in at home nicely. He's been sleeping a lot and eating even more. He's amazingly strong and active for a 1 week old. He's able to move his head on his own and his neck is a lot stronger than I expected. He climbs up your chest with his arms and legs when you're holding him. He got a clean bill of health from the doctor this week and we don't have to go back for six weeks. I return to work tomorrow after a month long hiatus. It's going to be hard leaving Genevieve and the baby. I'm sure I'll leave with a lump in my throat in the morning. The last nine months have been a wonderful journey, not always easy, but in the end, the end result is this beautiful little boy that we are so happy to have in our lives. The whole experience has brought my wife and I closer together which is something I'm thankful for. So even though I'll be sad leaving for New York tomorrow, I know that when the job is done, I get to come home and spend time with my wife and son, which is something I've always dreamed of. Life is good.
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