This is probably one of my favorites of all time (6 weeks)
I didn't even have time to Photoshop the little scratch on
his nose, I just took the pictures and posted them on the
blog within an hour.
We took Evan out in the car for the first time this weekend.
First, we took him with us to pick up dog food. We have to
get prescription dog food for Elvis & Lucy, and our vet is a
40 minute drive in each direction. Genevieve wanted to get
out of the house, so we took Evan with us. He was great
on the ride out there, but Gen said that when I went in the
place to get the dog food, he started crying worse than he's
ever cried before, so much so that she started to panic. He
even cried real tears for the first time. So Gen fed him, and
he was fine on the way home. Today, we took him out to see
our friends Frank & Heather who live a few towns over and
have two girls of their own. Again, Evan was great in the car,
he only had one serious meltdown as we were about to leave,
but it was over in five minutes and I think it was just because he
was really tired. Frank hooked me up with a back pack that
folds out into a seat, so you walk around with the baby sitting
comfortably behind you. This will be great for our trips into
Manhattan when he's a bit older.
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