So, apparently, in the world of infant strollers, the Bugaboo has been all the rage, especially with celebrities, sort of the Bentley of baby strollers. You can't walk more than 100 ft. in Central Park without seeing a dozen of them. Last week, we got the Orbit stroller system, which is sort of a step up from the Bugaboo, or the Maybach of strollers if you will. We've been talking about getting this for at least 9 months, finally, I picked it up in Manhattan last week, and brought it down to the shore house. I have to say, it is really easy to use. Everything folds and comes apart real easy. The real bonus is how easy snaps in and out of the car seat base. It goes from stoller to car seat in about 2 seconds, which, if anyone's ever dealt with a car seat before, you know how hard it can be to get the kids in or out. (Special thanks to his Nan and Poppy in Florida who helped us get his new stroller!)Evan turning heads in his new stroller at his first parade in Stone Harbor, NJ.
About to go for our first walk in the Evan's new stoller whilst simultaneously practicing Cesar's "Calm Assertive" technique on the dogs. I love "The Dog Whisperer." I'm afraid Lucy needs some serious 'whispering' though. It felt strange crossing the road for the first time with Evan. It's something you don't think about when you do it yourself. I think I waited until both side were completely clear before I crossed. 
Still has the wrapper on the handles! Even comes with a 'paparazzi shield.'
Talk about, 'King of The Road'Evan really looks the part in his new Chariot..He looks like a doll in the last picture,a real live beautiful doll..We're so looking forward to seeing him in person,and getting to hold him..I hope it won't be too long now...
Just seen new Pics that Genevieve sent to you Pete...I love all the diffirent expressions on his face...You could put some great captions under neath the pics....He's a real charmer that's for sure...just like hisparents..
Love MomXXx...
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