We (Mommy, Evan, Elvis and Lucy) took Eliana on her first outing today. The doctor's office doesn't count as an outing. It was beautiful outside the weather was perfect so we went for a walk. I think we were out for a few hours and we only went around the block. When we got back we all needed a nap. Eliana enjoyed her ride in the stroller, or pram as Pete's parents would say. I don't think she minded or noticed the crazy dogs attached to her stroller tripping her big brother and stressing out her Mommy. Luckily for all of us, Elvis included, my parents just happened to be driving by and was nice enough to take Lucy home with them. They said they were driving down the street and slowed down to see what all of the activity was on the sidewalk. It was us. We stopped by Elvis' doggie friend's house so that Elvis could say hello to his little dog friends, and Evan could watch and laugh at Elvis and his friends sniff at each other. Lucy took the opportunity to act like a rabid squirrel on a leash. She's crazy. Our walk was a lot calmer once my parents took Lucy home.
We also came across two little boys selling lemonade. Evan told them all about the little dogs although I don't think they understood anything he was saying. When it was time to go Evan tried to give both boys a hug goodbye. One boy accepted his hug no problem, he probably had little brothers at home. But the other boy looked at me as if to say "please don't let him hug me!" and hid behind his lemonade stand, I'm guessing he's at that age already where boys do not hug other boys. So Evan just high fived him and he was fine with that. As we were leaving Evan turned and waved and said "Bye friends!" We've been teaching him about friends this week. I'm really glad that Evan is a happy friendly kid and not a mean bully.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a very interesting walk around the block..Is that Evans stroller(we call them ,'push chairs')?...it looks great...I'm glad your parents did'nt find you tied around a lamp post by the dog's leashes...You're very brave taking the two dogs with you....CHeers!!MOMXXX
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