Thursday, April 8, 2010

Such a Big Boy Now, But Still Always Mommy's Baby

My little baby Evan has quickly been growing into such a big boy! We have conversations now, and I understand about 90% of what he is telling me. He asks questions now, like when the baby is crying he asks "what happened?" and almost full sentences like "won a prize" When he hears new words he repeats them and remembers them and will use them again at dinner time when he likes to tell everyone about his day. He likes to spend his day playing baseball, drawing on his chalkboard, driving Pop Pop's car or anything with Pop Pop, he likes to spend his day doing big boy things. Shortly after Eliana was born I asked Evan if he was Mommy's baby and he said "no." My heart was broken, I felt like I lost my little baby boy, like he broke up with me or something silly. I know he's gotta grow up but he's only one years old and I thought he'd be my baby boy till he was at least 18. I didn't think he'd grow up so fast. But every once in a while this big boy turns back into my baby boy. Like when he falls or bumps his head, or has his feelings hurt. OR when Eliana has or does something that looks like fun to him. Like today Evan was busy drawing on his chalk board when I pulled out his old baby activity mat for Eliana to play in. I placed Eliana underneath and I turned my head for a second to grab the camera to take her photograph and I turn back around to see Evan squeezing his way in with a binky in his mouth just like baby sister's. And for a minute or two I had my baby boy back, until he spotted his drums and just like that he was out of there. Back to being a big boy, playing his drums and throwing balls at the dogs. I don't care what he says, like it or not, he's still my baby boy.
Even the little stuffed piggy has a binky (it's on his head, a really great present from Eliana's cousins in Florida. Thanks Aunt Dawn!)

Here is a picture Evan drew of his cousin Ava on his chalkboard. I think it looks just like her.

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