New pics of Evan! June 22nd, 2008
Lady Killer!
Here's our little boy. Evan's now 3 weeks old. He's been doing great. Eating a lot, and of course, pooping a lot. He goes through probably 8-12 diapers a day, at least. He's growing in leaps and bounds and starting to sleep for longer stretches during the night. He's really alert and starting to look around a lot more. At his last doctor's visit last week, he was up to 9lbs. 12oz, but I suspect he's probably about 10lbs by now. He's already grown out of newborn size diapers and some of his onesies.
Sorry for the gap this week in the blog, I know I haven't posted anything new in almost a week. I was away all last week working on a commercial in New York and it really chews up all of my time. I'm out the door early every morning, and in really late, so by the time I get back the apartment I'm staying at in Brooklyn, I'm usually too wiped out. I came back to PA on Friday evening and got to spend the weekend with Evan and his mommy. Evan some visitiors this weekend, he got to meet his Uncle Paul and Aunt Shari for the first time today, as well as his cousin Michele. I'll post some more pictures tomorrow, just wanted to get these up before I get too busy tomorrow. I'll be back in New York this week on a Wendy's commercial.
This is a little out of focus, but too cute not to post!
Evan trying to pick himself up, way ahead of schedule. This kid is strong and determined!