It was a long day and night, but we finally got him to sleep around 11:30PM. I took a nap in our bedroom while he slept in his crib just after dinner, but his nap was short lived. He woke up crying in less than an hour and the usual fixes didn't work. He didn't want to be turned over, didn't want his binky, so I just held him. He was transfixed by an empty Gatorade bottle we had on the nightstand. What he really wanted to do was go downstairs and play! So I took him downstairs, with the Gatorade bottle and rolled out his blanket on the carpet and let him play until his mommy came home from the stores.
Other recent developments/milestones:
Evan has a tooth coming in, we saw it this morning just breaking his gum. We think he may be feeling a little discomfort, because he's had some trouble staying asleep. We can't complain though, because he hardly does. He's a really good baby and smiles and laughs a lot. This Thanksgiving, I'll certainly have so much to be thankful for.
Genevieve talked to the prediatrician this morning, Evan is ready to move on to solid (pureed) foods. He's been breastfeeding now for just under 6 months.
Evan began drinking water today from sippy cups for the first time.
Favorite toys include:
Dunkin' Donuts Latte Cups
His wipies package (Plastic, makes a krinking noise.)
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