Friday, May 31, 2019

Parental Alienation IS Child Abuse.

Alienating one parent from their children is by definition, child abuse.

From the article from Farzad Family Law:

Parental Alienation and Undermining Authority

"Parental alienation occurs when one parent undermines the authority of the other. In an ideal custodial arrangement, the parents (though living separate and apart), are a united front when it comes to the children's education, safety, welfare and activities.
Unfortunately, that isn't always the case and, in alienation cases, one parent influences the child to believe the other parent's authority is not important and can or should be disregarded.
Undermining authority is a form of alienation because, over time, the perpetrating parent has the child believe that there is a right way of parenting and a wrong way and the "wrong way" by the parent being alienated makes that parent less capable of parenting, the subject of ridicule and far less important in the child's life. The end goal is simple - If children are made to believe one parent does not act in their best interest, they will often rebel against that parent. Bonding and respect are lost and the result can be disastrous if allowed to fester."

Don't like this post? Change the story. Make it better for the kids. There were no problems here at my house or during the dozens and dozens of weekends they spent here in 2017 and 2018. Parental Alienation is terrible for the kids, and in the case of Evan and Eliana, there is no reason for it. When they're old enough to see this for what it is, they are going to be upset that their mother willingly kept them away from their dad with no justifiable cause.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Still No Answer

So I asked your Mom again via text when I could see you guys again and got no answer. I have been home from the hospital for 3 weeks now, and have not been allowed to see you guys. I'm not sure how this is fair to you and I'm sorry that this is happening. It if were up to me, I'd be in your lives every day. With June around the corner, Evan's birthday coming up, and Father's Day, I'm starting to get concerned that your mother will keep you guys from me until after the court date which is not until June 28th.

I was available to see you guys after school today.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

"Waiting to hear back from my lawyer."

That's the answer I got today when I asked your Mom about continuing our supervised visits. I'm not sure what her lawyer has to do with me spending quality time with my kids, but I guess we'll find out. I've been out of the hospital for 14 days now and haven't seen you guys besides Eliana's softball games. I miss you guys and can't wait to see you.

Your father was available to see you every day after school and all weekend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Been home for 1 week.

So I've been home for 1 week now. I sent out a message asking when I could see you guys and your Mom responded "This will be discussed in court." So, your Mom is not allowing me to spend time with you guys, I'm sorry.

Your Dad was available to see you every day this week.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

I'm Home.

After 28 days at Eagleville Hospital, I'm finally going home, and could not be happier. It was quite an experience. I was not happy about it at first, but in the long run, it was a much needed break, and it means I'm well on my way to living my life in a healthy and manageable way.

My first few hours home, I was able to go and see Eliana's softball game. It was great to see her after missing her for a whole month. She's doing really well at softball getting on base nearly every time and making some smart defensive plays. Was very proud to see her play today.