Friday, June 28, 2019

86 Days

We were supposed to be in court today to find out what's going on with me seeing you guys. Of course your Mom's lawyer conveniently had vacation today, which pushes the case another month. I just want you know that I have been actively asking to see you guys, and your mother has either said no, or like this morning, not answered my texts at all. I don't understand how this is fair to you guys. Your mother has accused me in the past of playing games. How this is not "playing games" is beyond me. This is playing games with your right to see your father and have your father in your life. How any adult, friend, family or otherwise can sit idly by and remain silent is something that is beyond my comprehension.

Just know that I am asking to see you and I am being rejected by your mother. I started this blog 11 years ago when Evan was about to be born. Even with the divorce, I never thought it would turn into a journal about parental alienation and a father being systematically and purposely being withheld from seeing his kids. This is a disgrace. I'm sorry your mother is willfully putting you through this.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

85 Days

85 days. 85 days since I last spent the day with my kids. Still no explanation. Still no word after supposedly "waiting to hear back from my lawyer," nothing. 78 days sober today and I'm still waiting to hear why my kids are being prevented from seeing me.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

77 Days ("Not today, Evan.")

Haven't spent the day with you guys in 77 days. Evan I know you've asked multiple times and get the answer "Not today." Doesn't seem fair to either of you. I was told that "nothing is happening until we go to court at the end of the month." That's another 8 days. We'll be nearly 2 weeks into summer vacation before your mother decides whether or not it's okay for their father to spend the day with you. Unreal.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day

Your mother is keeping me away from you guys on Father's Day. I really don't even have words. How is this okay? How are other adults co-signing parental alienation?

Thursday, June 13, 2019

70 Days

It's been 70 days since we spent the day together. Evan, I asked your mother what plans were for you and Eliana this weekend, and if you could come and go to the gym at Eddie's on Saturday and said "No,"that nothing would happen until after the court date June 28th. By that date we will have not spent a single day together in almost 3 months. I can't imagine a single parent that would be okay with this. This is not right. This is unfair to you guys and is nothing short of abuse. I'm sorry that you are not allowed to see your own father on Father's Day weekend. Just know, that I will continue to fight for you guys.

Love, Dad.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

62 Days

I requested via text to see you guys and ask why supervised visits were not being resumed and got no answer from anyone involved. I really don't see why a father would be treated this way. It is unnecessary, uncalled for, and unfair to you guys. Hopefully the courts will stand up for you and resume you guys being able to come over on weekends, the way most normal families operate. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon, but with softball season being over, and no response as to even supervised visits, I don't know when that's going to be.

There are mothers out there fighting to get the father involved in the kid's lives. Fathers who want nothing to do with their kids. I am not that father. I want to be involved in your everyday lives, and I am being turned away.

Hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

61 Days

Worked today but was available to see you after school. I was able to to talk to you on the phone to say goodnight.

Monday, June 3, 2019

60 Days

It's now been 60 days (2 months) since we last spent the day together. Granted, 28 of those days were my fault. I had to go to the hospital to get myself right.

There was something about that day that was so fun, so spontaneous, and so exciting it almost seemed too good to be true. I remember on the drive home after your mother picked you up thinking what a great day it was, but had this sinking feeling that it was, indeed, too good to be true. Turns out it was.

Here we are 60 days later and we have not spent a single day together. My requests to your mother go unanswered and I have not been offered an explanation as to why I am being kept away from you guys. I have a feeling an explanation would be motivated by either spite, irrational fear, or just a blatant desire to keep your father out of your lives.

As Father's Day approaches I am facing the prospect of not seeing you guys. I didn't do anything to deserve this. Why? Because I had a drinking problem? I went to one of the best 28 day recovery programs in the state of Pennsylvania and have come out not only sober but with a new outlook on life. I am 54 days sober and while it is still early in the process, I have never felt better, and do not want to ever go back to that lifestyle. I have an excellent support system with Stacey and she has been 100 percent supportive of my decision to stop drinking. It was a dark chapter in my life and I look forward to living life sober and being the father you deserve.

I can for the life of me understand why another adult will stand up for me. Everyone, including my family just stands by and acts as if this is normal. Not my family, not the courts, no one is speaking up. I will not give up fighting for you guys. Children deserve to have their father in their life. I won't rest until this situation is brought back to normal and that you guys can:

Sleepover my house on weekends
Come down to the beach
Have weeknight visits during school
Go on hikes, bike rides, visit parks.

Everything that your supposed to do with your dad. I will not give up.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Eliana's Softball Game

I saw Evan and Eliana for the first time in 2 weeks today at Eliana's softball game. It was a good game, which they lost by one run, unfortunately ending their season, but Eliana played great. She's hitting the ball consistently and making some good head up plays in the infield. She has good instincts and knows whats going on on the field. She really has come a long way and I'm glad she's still playing. I hung out with Evan for a bit and asked him about his birthday, his birthday presents.

He seemed a little upset that he couldn't come back to my house and doesn't understand why. "Mommy won't talk about it." he said. So, he's knows he can't see his dad, but has been offered no explanation. This is not fair for an 11 year old who wants to spend time with his dad. He's upset. I can see it in his eyes. I asked him what he was doing when he gets home. "Probably nothing." I can see that he's upset. Bored. What kid wouldn't be. Eliana doesn't seem as affected. Although, I do remember her saying during a co parenting session that she wished she had one week with her mom, and one with her dad. 

I have not committed a crime, I have zero DUIs, and as of today, I am 53 days sober. I have no criminal history, no history of violence, nothing. Nothing that would cause one parent to prevent the other parent from seeing the children, yet here we are. It's been weeks. The supervised visits, which are court ordered, have come to a halt with no explanation offered to me. This is in direct violation of the order, and is considered "contempt of court." 

What kind of mother intentionally keeps her children away from their father and offers no explanation? The only motive I can think of is spite. She' s not "protecting" the children. There's nothing to protect them from when it comes to their father. 

I hope that in time, you guys see this for what it is, and that I have been here, wanting to see you, asking to see you, and that when I ask, I don't even get an answer. No father should have to go through this. No kids should have to go through this. 

Tomorrow will be 28 days since I have come home from Eagleville Hospital. I have not been offered even a supervised visit with my children. My requests are met with silence. A judge will not look kindly on this. This is parental alienation. Plain and simple. If it is not against the law, it should be, because it hurts both the parent and this kids, and in this case, it entirely unnecessary. 

To my kids: My door will always be open to you. Always. 

Love, Dad. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Evan's 11th Birthday

Today is Evan's 11th Birthday. Instead of celebrating it with him, I cannot even get an answer about when the next time I can see my own kids will be. Since I got home from Eagleville Hospital, the only time I've been able to see my kids has been at Eliana's softball games. This does not constitute a parental visit. I cannot spend quality time with my daughter while she is on the softball field. So the only time I get to chat with her is between innings and at the end of the game.

I promised Evan for his birthday that I would take him on an overnight to New York City, so that he can hit some of his favorite stores. I told him that whether it's now, 3,6,9 months or a year from now that I would take him. I kept asking Evan what he had planned for his birthday and he kept telling me "nothing" but I knew something was up. His mom took him to New York City yesterday to all the places him and I were supposed to go to. Truth be told, I'm happy for him! But can't you come up with your own thing for just you and him? You had to take mine? It's infantile.

At any rate. The offer to Evan stands. However this horrific custody battle shakes out, Evan, my offer to you to take you to New York City overnight for your birthday stands. Whether it's now, or in 2026 when you turn 18, you will have a great day in NYC with your father, one to remember. It's a shame I couldn't spend your birthday with you, but just know that I was here, ready, willing, and able to spend your birthday with you.

- Dad