Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In Other News...

Achievements and Milestones:

Evan waved goodnight to his Poppop tonight. His waving seems to be more deliberate now, he extends his arm and bends his fingers back and forth. I was very excited to see this.

His Grandparents got him a double-decker bus toy at Radio City the other night. It drives around, and when it bumps into objects, back up and turns around. Tonight, Evan crawled clear across the room several times just to try and grab it.

He's not standing or walking on his own yet, but he like's to do this thing we call "jumpy-jump." If you hold him up under the arms, he jumps really, really hard. This excites him and he wants to do it more and more, although, it's not good to do right after he's eaten. I'm surprised at how strong his legs are.

The two bottom teeth are very prominent, and very SHARP. Still waiting for the top row. He was teething quite a bit tonight, so I think they're on the way.

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